How to be a good writer.


In order to be a good writer, you need to be a good reader as well. The more you read, the better will be your writing capacity. Besides, enriching your vocabulary everyday (atleast with five words) has its benefits. There are certain apps that will keep you motivated to learn new words each day. Therefore, have them in your phone and continue supplementing your stock of words.



It requires a great deal of patience and perseverance to generate new ideas. After you have written down a line on any topic, take time to ponder over it. Could it be written in a better way? In an initial effort, it will be altogether wrong to estimate that you are going to produce the best-of-sentences. You may find it difficult to bring new ideas but then keep trying consistently. It may take days to carve a jewel out of words. You can reflect on it even when you are relaxing or is in a situation where you can reconsider the line you had written a day before. Doing this will certainly make you wonder at the changes that had come over since you first started.



If you have english guide books containing essays, letter-writing etc, practise them. First, write it by yourself and then compare with the one given in the book. Which words could better replace yours?
This will increase your chances of using more sophisticated words and your writing will improve greatly.



You can consider quoting down beautiful phrases or certain choice of words that you find appealing in your journal. Go over it whenever you have time and you’ll find that you are naturally able to blend such language into your writing.



If your writing is based on a study of a particular subject, then you must remember all the vital points that you are supposed to incorporate. Sometimes, the necessary themes may seem scattered, then you need to delineate and collage them in your mind or mark them with colored pens and allot numbers in paper. You can also consider making mind maps or invent your own ideas.


Our brain functions in a better way when we are creative, so try to be more imaginative and think as many possible ways to transform all those points into an organised piece written in a brilliant style so as to have the writing you desire.

7 thoughts on “How to be a good writer.

  1. I viewed this post and looking for comments myself. I’m not as organized as all that, but have a little experience and still using that. But I don’t deny what you say to make better writers. Some people really excel but I just plug along. Take a look! Thanks! You are doing a good job. My mothers name was Josephine any connection?


    1. Thank you for your appreciation.
      I look forward to your post but currently I am experiencing some problem accessing wordpress from my device and so will be sure to check yours once I login from a PC.
      Its good to know about your mother but there is no connection.


    2. Thank you for your appreciation.
      I look forward to your post but currently I am experiencing some problem accessing wordpress from my device and so will be sure to check yours once I login from a PC.
      That’s good to know. I am sorry to say their is none. 🙂


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